
Friday, December 21, 2012

Gift Guide #7: The Traveler

They're always returning or going away; whether it's for business or pleasure. Either way, their passport is more marked up than your first car and you're certain they're on a first name basis with their airline and staff. You worry about their safety and understand their traveling woos so why not help them out through a gift. A present that can help relieve just one traveling pest will be of big help!

1. Solar powered cellphone charger You never know what can happen so it's best to be safe than sorry with a solar powered charger 2. Pacifica's natural roll on perfume TSA friendly tubes of their favorite scent will instantly make them feel and smell better after hours of shuffling and bustling 3. TSA friendly refillable water bottles Water bottles are always needed but way overpriced. Dishwasher safe and small foldanle bottles will be very helpful 4. DSLR Camera insert and bag organizer Don't lug around a professional camera case. This gift will fit into your regular bag easily 5. Waterproof iPhone scuba suit Underwater pictures are so much fun to take and there'll be no worries about water into the phone 6. 12 Pack FDA approved hangover pills Maybe these are for the pleasure travelers who like to have fun while away.


  1. Could use this for my flight back home today :)

  2. Great idea! lol I may need to get some of those hangover pills for many of my friends :P
    Shubana x Love, Shushu

  3. Roll-on perfume is so underrated! Especially for traveling and masking the disgusting smell of planes.

  4. wow cool items, very isnpriing <3

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